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Armies of Bulgaria
by deweycat
Not content with just producing brillant WW2 3D stls, modeller extraordinaire, Deweycat, has also produced this unofficial Army list for Bulgaria. Deweycat's research closely matches my own, but he brings a couple of unique takes to his list. I would be happy to use either Deweycat's or my list to play Bulgaria.

Royal Danish Armed Forces
by Jesper M Mogensen
Another Danish list, this time from an actual Danish Bolt Action player. You can see BA guru Bo Mortensen give an overview of this list here.

A Very British Civil War
by Al Morrision
Unofficial Bolt Action rules for playing the popular A Very British Civil War alternative history. In this history Edward VIII refuses to abdicate triggering a constitutional crisis which divides the nation and results in Civil war. A Very British Civil War was created by Messers Jones, Mortimore and Douglas and source books for this history are published by Solway Crafts and Miniatures.

Invasion Australia
by Adam Stone
Drawing on extensive research Adam Stone has produced an unofficial Bolt Action Campaign supplement based on a 'what if' invasion of Australia. Besides the Invasion Campaign the supplement includes many new units, extensive historical background and period pictures (worth reading for alone).

Black Death
(Soviet Naval Infantry 1941-41)
by Jesper M. Mogensen
Another Danish list, this time from an actual Danish Bolt Action player. You can see BA guru Bo Mortensen give at overview of this list here.