After the Osprey let the cat out of the bag last week, Warlord has officially announced that Version 3 of BA is coming in September. I was very pleased that Warlord also announced that there would be new V3 Army books. A lot of the 'issues' that should be addressed in V3 are about units rules and points, so it is nice to see that these will be addressed. What Warlord has so far has me excited for V3 and I am looking forward to more news. From the Warlord announcement:
What about my rulebooks? The Bolt Action: Third Edition rulebook will immediately supersede the Bolt Action: Second Edition rulebook, and all existing Armies of… books. Contained within the main rulebook will be five ‘starter’ army lists allowing you to construct forces for Great Britain, the USA, the USSR, Germany, and Imperial Japan, while other nations will have similar lists available as PDF downloads. These will allow you to start playing right away, and will be familiar to Second Edition players, but each will be replaced by a regular, ongoing series of releases of Third Edition Armies of… books.
Campaign and Theatre books will remain valid, as the background and scenarios are still very much relevant, but the vast majority of the units contained therein will be updated and addressed in the new Armies of… books. We’ve taken the opportunity of Bolt Action: Third Edition to completely overhaul unit profiles, special rules, and points from across the dozens of sources from the first two editions, and collate them, making it easier than ever for players to field their chosen armies.